Saturday, April 28, 2012

Ted Talks

The Three Ted Talks that I watched were:

Marco Tempest: The magic of truth and lies (and iPods)

this ted talk was really interesting because the speaker used three iPods during his speech. The three iPods each using the same application helped him present his idea about lies, one thing that I found interesting was that men lie twice as much as women do. Another thing that i found quite interesting was that the brain can trick itself that what is a lie, is the truth. Gamblers trick there self into thinking that they can win, when in fact there aren't taking into consideration how many times they have lost.

Keith Barry does brain magic

this Ted talk was about how our brain can trick our body. This was extremely interesting because the tricks he did were really amazing. He was able to see thru someone else's eyes, he did this by driving in a car with another person but that person was wearing a blindfold, he then stopped then put the blindfold on and began to drive he personally could not see but he was able to see by looking thru the other persons eyes  that was sitting next to him. He also did some tricks by using three different peoples energy to perform different tricks. 

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