Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Panning Assignment

In this photo there are four models and there are spaced out to add depth to the photo. Two of the models  are close to the camera and two are far from the camera. This photo is figurative. 

This image is not in focus on purpose to add character to the photo.

This image was taken outdoors to have a cool background. This is photo is light so that all of the models are seen.

This photo is successful because the intention came across.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Awkward Photo Assignment

Describe: In this photo the model is posing on a spigot on a wall with white tiles around it, this picture is very close up so that you can clearly see the model. This picture is figurative.

Analyze: The model is posing in front of a simple background to keep the overall picture simple. This image is in focus so that you can clearly see all of the detail in the photo, this was done intentionally.

Interpret: The image is light so that you can see all of the detail within the photo, this photo was taken outdoors.

Judge: This image was successful because is creates an overall mood for the audience.