Friday, December 9, 2011


My weakness is that I procrastinate all the time, because I am a lazy person. Procrastination holds me back because I wait till last minute and end up rushing to get the assignment done, and the quality is not to good. I really need to work on not waiting till the last minute because i am going to be a senior next year and senior year is very important, and if you want to achieve in life then you need to begin in high school. Some things that I can do to help me improve in not waiting to the last minute in that I can make an agenda with due dates do that I can plan out what I have to get done. I can also make a list of things that i have to for that day. Hopefully with these ideas I can improve my weakness.

tungsten assignment

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Photo Shop Assignment

In this color portrait the model is posing close to the camera, this is an abstract photograph. The model is wearing a jacket with fur to add texture.

This image is in focus, on purpose so that the model is clearly seen. I used photo shop to soften the picture.

The image is light so that there is more of a happy mood. This picture was taken indoors by a door so that there is a little bit of light on the models face.

This picture is successful because the intention comes across.

Natural light portrait Assignment

In this Photo the model is wearing a fur hat to add texture, the model is close to the camera so that you can see the model. This photo is figurative.

This Photo is in focus so that the model is clearly seen. 

This image is light and dark to add character to the photo. This photo was taken indoors by a door so that there is light on her face.

This photo is successful because the intention is clearly seen.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Panning Assignment

In this photo there are four models and there are spaced out to add depth to the photo. Two of the models  are close to the camera and two are far from the camera. This photo is figurative. 

This image is not in focus on purpose to add character to the photo.

This image was taken outdoors to have a cool background. This is photo is light so that all of the models are seen.

This photo is successful because the intention came across.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Awkward Photo Assignment

Describe: In this photo the model is posing on a spigot on a wall with white tiles around it, this picture is very close up so that you can clearly see the model. This picture is figurative.

Analyze: The model is posing in front of a simple background to keep the overall picture simple. This image is in focus so that you can clearly see all of the detail in the photo, this was done intentionally.

Interpret: The image is light so that you can see all of the detail within the photo, this photo was taken outdoors.

Judge: This image was successful because is creates an overall mood for the audience. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Printing Asignment

Describe: In this Photo there are four students walking in a row the background is quite simple with a few trees and bushes. In this figurative photo, the objects are close.

Analyze: The shapes in this photo is the people walking across the photo and the background adding visual aesthetic appeal. This image in focus so that you can clearly see the people and the background. This was done intentionally.

Interpret: The image is light so that you can clearly see the image, which was taken outside.

Judge: I believe this work was successful because it creates a mood for the audience.